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Entwicklungsdienst in Bolivien

Entwicklungsdienst in Bolivien

Im Moment bin ich im Auftrag des Weltfriedensdienstes in Bolivien tätig.

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Einen Teil meiner Arbeit als Medienfachkraft stellt der WDR in einem Radiobeitrag dar.


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Ein Interview mit dem Weltfriedensdienst, das meine Aufgaben im Bolivien-Programm erklärt.



Neueste Veröffentlichungen

Am 30.12.2019 bedroht Zyklon Calvina den Inselstaat Mauritius. Anwohner bringen ihr Boot in Sicherheit. © Katja Dombrowski

Zu den Ländern, die am stärksten vom Klimawandel bedroht sind, gehören kleine Inselstaaten wie Mauritius. Zwar tut man hier einiges, um resilient zu werden. Doch ohne die Unterstützung durch den Globalen Norden wird das nicht gelingen.


Brillenbär in der Nähe einer Siedlung.©Tomás Calahumana

Bolivien verfügt über eine außergewöhnlich große Biodiversität. Gut ein Viertel der Landesfläche ist ihrem Schutz gewidmet. Doch zahlreiche menschliche Aktivitäten bedrohen diese Vielfalt.


Thailand discovers wind power The country has moderate winds, but good potential for wind energy. Its first large wind farm recently went online.

Thailand is certainly not a windy country - even moderate winds mostly only occur in the mountains. Coastal regions are made a little cool­er by gentle breezes, while the central plains, where rice is grown, normally only experience the gentlest of gusts. But Thailand does have a monsoon sea­son, and that brings months of constant wind. Moreover, the trend is towards higher winds. "In general wind speed is picking up here," says Aaron Daniels, vice president of business development at Bangkok-based Wind Energy Holding Co., Ltd. which was founded in 2009. The faster speeds are caused by climate change. Thailand needs to make use of this potential. The country certainly has a growing appetite for energy: its electric­ity demand rose by 8.5 percent last year and, according to government forecasts, will almost double by 2050. As a result, the southeast Asian country is looking to develop all types of energy sources, but will focus on renewables. The aim is that green energy will produce a quarter of the country's electricity by 2030. Thai­land is already a renewables pioneer in the region.

Hydropower is currently the leading renewable energy source in Thailand, with biomass in second place. However, wind energy is now also helping to make Thailand a green-energy trailblazer. The country's first large wind farm, FKW, which is operated by Wind Energy Hold­ing, opened last November. The farm is located in Nakhon Ratchasima Prov­ince in northeast Thailand. The neigh­bouring KR2 Wind Farm went online this February. With a total rated pow­er of 207 megawatts (MW), FKW and KR2, which comprise 90 Siemens tur­bines, are by far the largest wind farms in southeast Asia. When the Bangkok government published its development plan for alternative energies in March 2012, the country only had 7.28 MW of wind power in total. This had jumped to around 250 MW by the end of the year. According to the development plan, wind energy should produce 1,200 MW by 2021. This will put it in a fairly simi­lar league to solar power, which is to pro­vide 1,806.4 MW by 2021.

Wind Energy Holding currently owns the lion's share of the new wind market in Thailand."We have four projects total­ling one gigawatt at the planning stage," Daniels says. "Our experience in Nak­hon Ratchasima has been good so far." The company sells the electricity gener­ated in the wind farms to the state en­ergy supplier EGAT, which feeds it into the national grid. A feed-in tariff of 8.8 eurocents per kilo­watt-hour has initially been grant­ed for ten years. However, the company is optimistic that the tariff will be paid for a longer period.

"The tariff the government has estab­lished shows its commitment to wind energy," says Daniels, who sees excellent potential for expansion in the sector. Ac­cording to the World Bank's "Wind En­ergy Resource Atlas of Southeast Asia", which calculated wind energy poten­tial in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, Thailand has 761 square ki­lometres of land with good to excellent wind conditions for large turbines. And the potential is far larger for small tur­bines, which require less wind. Small tur­bines are ideal for local energy consump­tion and make particular sense in remote regions or islands that are not yet con­nected to the grid. Various types of small turbines are already replacing the stan­dard diesel generators. Five years ago, the Thai energy ministry funded a pi­lot project which saw the installation of micro wind turbines with a rated power of one kilowatt each in 60 villages across the country. The electricity produced is stored in a battery and mainly used to provide lighting. Eighty turbines of 500 watts each will be installed on remote is­lands in southern Thailand as part of a new project.

However, Thailand is not the only country in the booming region that wants to make greater use of wind power. Before FKW Wind Farm started operat­ing, the region's largest wind farm was in Bangui Bay at the northern tip of Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines. The World Bank identified the greatest poten­tial in Vietnam, where a 3,444-kilometre long coast, many mountainous regions, and a monsoon season create particularly good wind conditions. According to the report, this newly industrialised country, whose energy demand is growing annu­ally at double-digit percentages, could produce 513,360 MW through wind power. Development is still at a very ear­ly stage: the government is planning to have 1,000 MW of wind energy by 2020 and 6,200 MW by 2030.

Even Myanmar, whose economy is more or less starting from scratch follow­ing years of isolation but with forecasts for rapid growth, has got on the band-w^on as regards wind. The Thai company Gunkul Engineering Public Co., Ltd. is building three wind farms with a total rated power of one gigawatt. It is also planning to sign a contract with Myanmar's gov­ernment this year for two further proj­ects. Other developing countries such as Laos and Cambodia are likely to follow suit at some stage.

The wind energy market is more or less saturated in western industrialised countries, but Asia is still a large growth market. China is the worldwide leader in terms of wind-energy expansion rates and the power it has already installed (new energy 2/2013). The fresh wind currently blowing through Thailand's energy sector could mark the start of a boom in southeast Asia.


Meine Schwerpunkte

Mit Entwicklungspolitik beschäftige ich mich schon seit langer Zeit. Ich war selbst mehrere Jahre in der Entwicklungzusammenarbeit tätig, erst in Asien, dann in Afrika und jetzt in Lateinamerika. Dadurch kenne ich das System von innen, verfüge über viele Kontakte und kann auf eigene Erfahrungen zurückgreifen.


Die Klimakrise ist das brennende Thema von heute, von morgen und vermutlich auch noch von übermorgen. Journalistisch begreife ich sie als Querschnittsthema. Nicht alles, worüber ich schreibe, steht im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel. Aber wenn man die Perspektive weitet, das meiste schon.


Von der deutschen Energiewende als weltweitem Exportschlager bis zum aktuellen Hype um Wasserstoff – ich begleite die Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland und anderen Teilen der Welt seit vielen Jahren und schrecke auch vor technisch anspruchsvollen Themen nicht zurück.


Nachhaltigkeit ist der Bogen, der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit erneuerbaren Energien verbindet, Klimapolitik mit sozialer Gerechtigkeit, den Lithiumabbau in Bolivien mit der Elektromobilität in Deutschland und die Abholzung des Regenwaldes für den Sojaanbau mit dem Verlust von Biodiversität. Nachhaltigkeit steht als Überschrift für die Themen, die mir wichtig sind.


Venro-Report 2022

In der Entwicklungs­zusam­menarbeit und humanitären Hilfe muss mehr über Kolonialismus und Rassismus geredet werden. In unserem Report wollen wir mit praxisnahen Beispielen deutlich machen, dass den Folgen und Kontinuitäten von Kolonialismus auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit begegnet werden kann.
